Monday, October 12, 2015


Why the ATC is not talking?
  • Normally, the Debug display should indicate everything you need to understand why the ATC is not talking. Look at the ATC COM1 CANNOT SPEAK text. If everything goes right, this text should be followed by the reason why it is not talking. See Debug display for the different cases...
  • If ATC COM1 CANNOT SPEAK is not displayed but EXPECTED STATE is displayed, check the following:
    • The synthesis voices of your OS are working fine
    • Make sure ATC is enabled

Why the ATC is speaking continuously, randomly?
  • Make sure the keys you use for requesting are not used for any other purpose (moving flaps of your plane for example!). In this case, while you just want to move down your flaps, maybe you will request a lower altitude to the ATC!
  • Make sure you have at least two different voices installed so that the pilot and the ATC speaks with different voices. If not, it sounds like a horrible monolog!

Why the ATC expected flight segment remains the same while I don't fly this segment?

Why the ATC is not clearing me to take-off?
First there is two clearances before starting a flight: a flight clearance and a take-off clearance. If you have a taxi chart, see the Taxi chart article for how requesting flight, taxi and take-off.
  • Check that you are using the right runway! Ask a take-off clearance and pay attention on the runway heading the ATC gives. Depending on the wind direction, the take-off runway can be different from the planned runway.
  • If you are not using a taxi chart, you must be on the right side of the expected runway with the same heading (+/- about 10 degrees). Make sure the coordinates of the airport are as close as possible to the middle of the runway you want to take-off from: to know if you are ready for take-off, EasyATC processes the coordinates and heading of your plane with the coordinates of the airport and the heading of the expected runway. 
  • If you have a taxi clearance (see Taxi chart section), make sure you are within the trigger limit of the taxi waypoint (0.1 Nm by default, this value is displayed in the Debug text)
  • You must trigger the airport
  • You must talk to the appropriate ATC: any ATC that have the same CallSign that the aiport. For example if you take-off from Lima, you must contact a Lima ATC (Lima Tower or Lima Approach or Lima Departure). Note that Centers and FIS don't deliver take-off clearance.

Why the ATC is not clearing me to land?
  • Make sure you are landing in the right direction. Ask a landing clearance if needed and pay attention on the runway heading. Depending on the wind direction, the take-off runway can be different from the planned runway.
  • The ATC says the clearance:
    • You just have triggered a FAF or a MAPT waypoint (IFR stuff)
    • If not, when the distance from your plane to the airport is lower than about 2.5 miles (actually, it depends on the triggers min, max, and minimum for airport Constants)

Why my requests are not said nor displayed?
  • Make sure the EasyATC/Preferences/Commands.txt file exists, is not corrupted and all the commands you want to use have a valid value (not equal to -1)

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