Monday, October 12, 2015


To work properly and to be understandable, EasyATC needs at least two synthetic voices installed in the OS.
Assuming you have, when the controller changes during the flight (when ATC Frequency change), a new voice is picked-up among the available installed voices. The pilot's voice is never selected to avoid "monolog" feeling!

Setting voices...
  • To have enough synthetic voices, you need to install one ore more languages in your OS. These voices are called "System voices". See this How to...
  • Since V3.0 you need to install this to benefit extra synthesizer voices ( install x86_SpeechPlatformRuntime\SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi or x64_SpeechPlatformRuntime\SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi depending on your Windows (32 or 64bits), then you can install some of the Microsoft Speech Runtime Languages. Note that the issue related here usually happens. See this bug before installing any of those voices!
  • Clic on Settings/Pilot's voice to select the voice you want for the pilot (this dialog should appear the first time you execute EasyATC)
  • You can disable/enable the Pilot's voice. Note that this just disable the sound, but the readbacks will still be displayed in the Message text box.
  • You can disable/enable the Pilot's auto-readback too. In this case, you need to press a key to readback. If not the ATC will ask "did you copy?"
  • Clic on Settings/Language and select the language you want the ATC and the pilot to use.This is not affecting the localization of the synthetic voices but just the words they will say. It means that if you select French for example, whatevever the localization of the voice is used by the ATC (English, Chinese,..), it will speak in french! But the accent will be english or chinese...
You can modify the languages files as you wish.
    • I recommend to make a backup first.
    • You must keep the first line (localization official string to define the languages, for example FR-fr)
    • You must keep the line structure
Each sentence or word is defined as an identifier followed by the corresponding text. Both parts are separated by a dot comma (";"). You MUST keep this structure!

AIRPORT_LOCATION; runway at about 
  • AIRPORT_LOCATION is the identifier
  • runway at about is what the ATC or the pilot will say
  • Note that there is one empty/blank character at the beginning and at the end of the sentence. If you forget this space, the sentence will be "runway at about20 miles" instead of "runway at about 20 miles". EasyATC will not crash but the speech will be weird...
  • You can add commas to make some short pauses in the ATC speech if you wish (already done in some of the topics (Squawk code or QNH).
If you provide Taxi charts to the ATC in your flight plan, the number of runways impacts the speed of the voice of the ATC. Within the code, the Rate property of the Synthetic voice is increased so that the controller seems busy! This is fake and will be improved one day depending on time and day of the week and who knows... traffic density!
Speed is slightly increased when your plane is on emergency too.

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