Monday, October 12, 2015

Quick start...

Assume that you have properly installed EasyATC. The simulator can be running.

Execute EasyATC.exe. This window should open...

Clic on Settings/Language and select the language you want the ATC and the pilot to use.
    • This is not affecting the localization of the synthetic voices but just the words they will say. It means that if you select French for example, whatevever the localization of the voice is used by the ATC (English, French, Chinese,..), it will speak with a french voice and accent...
Clic Settings/Requests
    • Select the line in the list you want to change then press the key you want to use for the given request. The key you pressed must appear in the "Key" column.
    • WARNING: you must use keys that you will not use in X-Plane or any other application! If not, assuming that "A" key is requesting for take-off clearance in EasyATC and is used for toggling gears in X-Plane, when you will press this key after take-off to move up gears, the pilot's voice will request for a take-off clearance!
    • Clic Save button when all affectations are done
    • WARNING 2: since V4.Beta, any input requires TWO key presses: see Requests and clearances section
Check Settings/Voices options and check//uncheck as you wish...

Flight plan...
  1. Clic Flight plan/Create/Load/Edit
  2. Clic New to create a flight plan, Load or Load FMS file
  3. Clic Flight plan/Save as active flight plan
    • This makes a copy of the flight plan file into the EasyATC active flight plan directory so that the ATC is now informed that you gonna fly this flight plan
    • You can close the Flight planner (or not...)
  1. Run X-Plane if it is not running yet
  2. Deactivate the default X-Plane ATC (Settings/Sound  and uncheck verbal ATC and text ATC)
  3. Move to the starting airport of the flight plan. Put the plane at the starting point of the runway you selected in the flight plan or in a parking or an apron.
  4. On EasyATC, clic ATC/Enable
    • Select the flight mode you want to fly (VFR or IFR). Note that any flight plan can be fly on both modes but the ATC will not behave the same way.
    • Select your expected cruise altitude
    • You can Reverse the flight plan by checking the Reverse Flight Plan check-box (not tested a lot. Probably buggy!)
    • The ATC menu item color should switch from red to green
    • The debug text box at the bottom of the EasyATC should display the plane position and the closer flight segment. See Debug display section...
  5. Set your COM1 radio to the airport frequency (Frequency column in the flight plan)
  6. Press the flight request key
    • You should hear the pilot calling the ATC if you have enabled the pilot's voice...
  7. Enjoy your flight!

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